Tuesday 11 April 2017

Rough Cut 3

Feedback from Mrs Willcox:
  • Add in the film title at around 30 seconds
  • Add in some more transitions to improve the continuity
  • Add in a second production text logo
In order to make our final cut the best that we can, we are going to act upon the feedback we have been given by Mrs Willcox. To do this, we are going to add in the film title as this would be an obvious flaw if it was not added because the audience would have no idea what the film is actually called so they would be bored right from the start of the film and therefore, it would highly unlikely for them to continue watching the film. We are also going to insert more transitions into our film so that it will improve the continuity so there won't be jump cuts and therefore, it won't be disorientating for the audience to watch. Also, we are going to add in a second affiliate production text logo to show our association with our affiliate production company.

By acting upon our feedback and adding improvements to our film opening, it will improve our overall grade because it will show the examiner that we are capable of acting upon our given feedback in order to improve our work.

Callum, Samuel, Jason & Frank

Sunday 9 April 2017

Rough Cut 2

Feedback from Miss Barber:
  • Add titles
  • Establishing shot - use zoom to be more realistic
  • Stairs scene - edit warmth of colour
  • Lots of leg & feet positions
  • Non-diegetic sound at end, you need to find generic music
Callum, Frank, Jason & Samuel

Friday 7 April 2017

Rough Cut 1

Feedback from Mrs Willcox:
  • North London - Whited black - more conventional font
  • Callum walks for too long
  • Jump cuts - get rid of them
  • Nice match-on-action
  • Re-film arugment
Callum, Frank, Jason & Samuel

Thursday 6 April 2017

Filming Diary

Call Time
The Chestnuts, Dunmow Rd, North End, CM6 3PJ
Sat 4th March
11 am – 1pm (Michael)
2pm – 3:30pm (Gabby)
Callum, Jason, Frank & Samuel
Gabby, Jason & Michael
Melbourne Flats
Sun 5th March
06:30 am
Chelmsford Bus Station / McDonald’s
Sun 5th March
10 am
Callum, Jason & Samuel
Crompton Street, Widford, Chelmsford
Sun 5th March
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Callum, Jason & Samuel
Callum (actors not available)
HMP Chelmsford
Sun 5th March
2 pm – 3pm
Callum, Jason & Samuel
Callum (actors not available)

Saturday 4th March 

Our group decided to meet at Samuel's house at Dunmow Road 11:00 am prompt, we filmed the interior shot of our film using his bedroom and kitchen.

Sunday 5th March

On this day our group decided to meet at the bus station, then we headed of to McDonald's for breakfast. Then from there we headed towards Crompton Street where we filmed our exterior shots of our film.


Wednesday 5 April 2017

Filming Schedule

Call Time
The Chestnuts, Dunmow Rd, North End, CM6 3PJ
Sat 4th March
11 am – 1pm (Michael)
2pm – 3:30pm (Gabby)
Callum, Jason, Frank & Samuel
Gabby, Jason & Michael
Melbourne Flats
Sun 5th March
06:30 am
Chelmsford Bus Station / McDonald’s
Sun 5th March
10 am
Callum, Jason & Samuel
Crompton Street, Widford, Chelmsford
Sun 5th March
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Callum, Jason & Samuel
Callum (actors not available)
HMP Chelmsford
Sun 5th March
2 pm – 3pm
Callum, Jason & Samuel
Callum (actors not available)
