Michael - He is our main protagonist in our film opening who runs away from his home in North London and is frightened of his bad-tempered step dad.
Jason - He is our main antagonist in our film opening. In the film, he is irate and he wants his step son to leave his house because he dislikes him because of what he has done in the past.
We have chosen to cast Jason and Michael as our main characters because we feel as if they fit the character roles that we are looking for and are appropriate for our film genre.
As both of our characters are male, we are aiming to attract a male audience of 15-25 year olds and males will be able to associate themselves with the characters in our film.
We initially decided to cast a female character but because of time constraints, we have had to abolish this plan so we are going to stick with two male characters and focus on attracting a male-focused audience rather than a mixed audience.

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