Thursday 8 March 2018

RESIT- evaluation 7

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt that having more research and knowledge of the subjects and different tools that can be used as we had about 10 weeks of research and planning before our final film but there was a limited amount of research we could do before our preliminary task so having this extra research means we can further add to the film. I also feel that I have learnt how to use allow the software more efficiently as using blogger at first was slower but improving the amount of time planning a post can increase other time spent in other areas that may require it. Furthermore, the variation of shots used means that I can send more messages through using different techniques, this means I can make the audience think and see things and make them be aware if what is happening in the scene. I have also learnt that editing is important as an overuse of transitions in films can make them look not as good to audience and I learnt this from my preliminary task as the transitions between shots were rushed to meet the deadline. However, I did learn something after the final product and the preliminary task which was that it is better to use a tripod or something stable to film rather than handheld as it made the film look tacky but I couldn’t change this for the final product also as a tripod wasn’t available to use as it wouldn't fits in the car i filmed large amounts of my film in.

RESIT- evaluation 6

RESIT-evaluation 5

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

I used characters relate able due to the circumstances they are in so it means people think they are similar and it could possibly help them and make them want to watch the film, and I drew in our target audience by using the generic conventions common for thrillers as this was our target genre so using these encourage fans of the genre to come. I used a male and female actors, this is to make the audience feel like they can relate to both characters to some extent, also they were within the age of my target audience and this is to further entice my target audience to watch the film as they will be able to relate to the film and have a possible better understanding. Also angles used could entice media lovers to appreciate different angles and shots that have been used.

RESIT- evaluation 4

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

My research showed that there is a specific age range and gender that desire different things from film and I found out that the age range that wants suspense within the film and this 15-25 year olds also being male as this specific demographic wants the feeling of tension and suspense throughout the film, these two conventions are a part of my genre which is thriller so therefore if I showcase these then this demographic are the target audience and I had to make our film fit this, therefore we would need to make our film to fit this demographic so therefore creating a film that fits with the classification it has been given, I created the film to be a 15 as it is a part of our target demographic and allowed us to have more freedom whilst making the film as this category does contain swear words although I didn’t use it but it meant I could have if it was required to make it more like the genre. To add to this I created the film for the film certification of 15 based on the BBFCs certification.

RESIT-evaluation 3

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

An independent distribution company would be best to distribute my film as i am an independent company so the distribution of the film is vital as it needs to be distributed to right areas and cinemas, an independent distribution company will be able to distribute to the right cinemas which is independent cinemas that as we made it for these audiences and if my film was distributed by a mainstream company means that it would be distributed to larger audience which could be bad for this film as the box office would be affected as it will not appeal to a large audience so a bad reception for the film.

RESIT- evaluation 2

4) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

RESIT-evaluation 1