Wednesday 8 November 2017

RESIT-Target audience questionnaire

Our questionnaire was handed out to 15 people within the audience as these people have expressed an interest in the thriller genre, this is useful for me to know as I know what the target audience wants within the genre and will make my film better. I ask a vast age range to get different ideas for the film opening as I want to meet all the demands of the audience.

Friday 3 November 2017

RESIT- Thriller film figures

Popular films in the Thriller genre

1) Gone Girl 
The description of the film read from IMDb says "With his wife's disappearance having become the focus of an intense media circus, a man sees the spotlight turned on him when it's suspected that he may not be innocent". This film was directed by David Fincher and stars Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike and Neil Patrick Harris.

This film was released in the UK on the 2nd October 2014 and on its opening weekend, it saw a gross of $37,513,109. The film was released onto 3,014 screens and its estimated total budget was $61,000,000. Gone Girl was produced and distributed by Twentieth Century Fox.

2) Se7en 
This film was based upon two detectives who seek to hunt down a serial killer who used the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. This film was directed by the same director as Gone Girl who is David Fincher. The main actor who featured in the film was Morgan Freeman. The film was released in the UK on 21st January 1996 and on the opening weekend, it earnt a total of £11,434,343 at the box office with a further gross of £17,834,902 on the 19th February 1996. The budget was estimated at $33,000,000. This film is a good film to research into for me because it will allow me to use certain bits of the film in my film opening by adapting it slightly to fit my style. 

By researching into audience figures of films that are popular in the Thriller genre, it will help me when it comes to making our film opening because it will allow me to have an idea of what I want to include in our film opening but also, I can apply what I have researched into my final film opening by utilising some of the aspects of the films that I have researched into.


RESIT- location considerations for new film

As my film is situated in a car which will be moving I need a starting place where the female appears to be coming back from somewhere to her car, my idea is to film the start in a car park as the floor looks like a road rather than a drive. There are many local car parks that can be used.
This is one of the options, however this is an old image of the car park at the park 'St. Andrews' park in Chelmsford, this is good as it can appear like a road, however it tends to be quite busty as its really small so it is not likely to be the area I use.
The one above is the Morrison car park and this is the likely option due to it being very spacious and it looking like a road comparing to different floorings of other car parks, also has many lampposts which is good lighting as I am filming at night.

RESIT-prop consideration for new film

Image result for vauxhall corsa 04There is a limited amount of props needed in my film as the plot is somebody stalking  woman in a car. Therefore I need two cars as one that is following and one being followed, I also need to use a mirror within the car due to the male antagonist looking at this whilst driving. As my genre is a thriller and the setting is mysterious I don't need to need excess props as with a limited amount can cause further mystery and make people question the ones in show. I could add to my idea and make the male have a weapon or appear to have one in the piece. this could create tension and make the audience question why.Image result for blue astraAlthough the car to the left will not be seen in the film, it is a prop as it is the car appearing to stalk to other car.