Friday 3 November 2017

RESIT- location considerations for new film

As my film is situated in a car which will be moving I need a starting place where the female appears to be coming back from somewhere to her car, my idea is to film the start in a car park as the floor looks like a road rather than a drive. There are many local car parks that can be used.
This is one of the options, however this is an old image of the car park at the park 'St. Andrews' park in Chelmsford, this is good as it can appear like a road, however it tends to be quite busty as its really small so it is not likely to be the area I use.
The one above is the Morrison car park and this is the likely option due to it being very spacious and it looking like a road comparing to different floorings of other car parks, also has many lampposts which is good lighting as I am filming at night.

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