Audience Questionnaire analysed

I tallied up our answer into an excel document to make it easier to view and count how many people chose which answer.
The first question answers our target audience question, our target audiences are people aged between 15-25 who like thrillers, these question makes sure we are not talking to a 80 year old which would not apply to us due to they are not in our target audience, with the second question making Shure we have a varied gender to compare all of answers to, it came off there were 7 male and 7 female showing us that our questionnaire was not gender bias.
the third and forth question "have you ever watched a thriller film" asks our a audience if they have watched any thriller films before and which ones, they answered 13 yes, and 2 no which shows us that our target audience have watched thrillers before, this means that they are expecting certain things like, suspense, action and being scared.
This is reinforced when we asked the question, "do you expect to be scared in a thriller" as my group predicted 12 people said yes while only 3 people said no, reinforcing the point that we there should be a science that will scare the audience in the film.
question 5 "do you like a film with a cliff hanger, suspense or finished story" doesn't really help us with our film opening but allows us to think about the film overall.
in question 6 we asked where would you like to watch the film tolled us about what kind of production company we were going to be. we found out from this that people prefer all kinds of cinemas and viewing areas, so this question did not help or hinder us deciding what kind of production company we were going to be.
This has effect our film opening by helping us decide what kind of company we are going to be and how our movie will run as a whole.
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